Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just once......

Just once….

• I’d like to see all the men get up from the table to clean the kitchen and take care of the kids while the women go and watch television or talk.
• I’d like my insurance company to send a “reduction in rate” notice based on the fact that I’m healthy.
• I’d like the person weaving in and out of traffic 60 mph to understand that REAL driving isn’t a video game.
• I’d like the voice recognition system at the other end of the phone to actually recognize my voice.
• I’d like to watch television without being scared to death by previews for movies I would never pay to see.
• I wish we could “make” parents take responsibility for their kids.
• I would like to see a qualifying member of Congress get his or her health care from their local Veteran’s Administration clinic.
• I would like to know that all children in this country have enough to eat before they go to bed.
• it would be nice if all non-profit agencies coordinated efforts in order to maximize their limited resources.
• It would be refreshing for Democrats and Republicans to discuss the issues, and then actually work on them, instead of attacking one another.
• I wish I could sit near someone at a concert (or any event) who didn’t talk through the whole thing.
• I would love the legislature to leave education alone for at least a year, so school systems could implement the rules placed on them the previous year.
• I wish everyone who bought a ticket to a sporting event would make an equal donation to the charity of his or her choice.
• I’d like a publisher or agent to respond in this lifetime.
• I wish all elected or appointed officials acted ethically instead of merely “legally.”
• I wish adults would act with the same character they expect of their children.
• I wish I didn’t always have at least 11 items.

Just once……